- For either Physicians or Hospitals
- Fee is $100.00 per hour not to exceed 12 hours per contract.
- A contract review includes a review and comments of existing contract language, proposed language, and additional recommendations
in a written format and ranks the importance of each negotiable item to assist in negotiations. This allows the Provider to determine which modifications are essential and which may be conceded.
- Completed within 10 business
days of receipt and returned via fax or regular mail. If a contract review cannot
be completed in the stated timeframe, Provider will be notified of the expected completion date and at that time may determine
whether or not it is acceptable.
- Includes follow-up questions or telephone consultation up to 30 days from the issue
- Assist in the negotiation of rates, terms, and conditions of the agreement until
final execution. However, no assurances can be made regarding the final outcome
of any contract negotiations.
- Financial Analysis
- Fee Schedule Development
- Capitation or Fee-For-Service Rate Development
- Respond to a Request for Proposal (RFP)